Increasing sales by 230% with Double Digit Conversions Ad Sets


Sales growth for 11 campaigns


Total increasing sales


Sales growth for 8 campaigns

About client

KOODING is a US-based company specializing in Korean fashion. KOODING offers fashion, beauty, and lifestyle products representing unique personalities. KOODING products are accessible from around the globe in 100 served countries.

KOODING strives to enable discovery and instant access to global fashion, beauty, & lifestyle brands through constant curation and selection in hopes of enhancing everyday life with new fashion, beauty, & lifestyle products.


The client needed a performance marketing agency to build powerful focused campaigns that would boost sales revenues during the double-digit days (such as 8.8 and 11.11 campaigns). The client’s in-house specialists struggled to find the right strategy and achieve the desired results and so they chose us.

Analysis and data administration

We have deployed an analytics tracking ecosystem to identify users engaged with each post, each website visit, and each engagement. This allowed us to further incentivize these users and ultimately improve the conversion rates This strategy supported outstanding growth of sales within the course of double-digit campaigns.


Our strategy involved collecting plentiful feedback from the customer on the performance of brand awareness, ATC, and sales campaigns.

Key events

Thus, we could quickly respond to all key events and use every opportunity to achieve the goal.

Our Approach

Correcting the strategy

We have analyzed the marketing strategy approaches of the customer and realized that while the market has significant demand, KOODING needs to increase awareness and drive sales with a comprehensive all-around campaign.


Expanding potential audience with targeted teaser campaigns.

Our strategies were:

Strategic teaser

We have created several strategic teaser ads to increase awareness of the special discounts on double-digit campaign days and overall brand recognition.

Creative formats

We have developed many creative formats including images, albums, videos, and various other promo content.

Work with influencers

Moreover, we reached out to influencers and used their generated content in this phase to develop audience trust in Korean fashion products.

Influencer posts

Were focused on increasing awareness, growing traffic, and expanding coverage in anticipation of double-digit campaign days.

Large audience pool

This campaign strategy helped us create a large audience pool for productive conversion on actual double-digit campaign dates..

Highly engaged audience

We have established numerous touchpoints between the target audience and the brand before running actual campaigns, as a highly engaged audience is more likely to be converted to actual sales.

Campaigns on double-digit days

We prioritized CPAS ad solutions for Facebook & Instagram and Traffic campaigns incentivizing potential customers to return to their Cart on each platform and encouraging them to complete their purchases during the promotion period while the discounts last.

Ready to get started?

Our team is always ready to provide answers and offer professional advice. Let’s work together to identify how we can be of assistance and find the optimal solution for your needs.